Bill Krueger


RESUME: 13 year career as a MLB pitcher including two years with the Seattle Mariners. Senior baseball analyst at ROOT Sports.

WHY DID YOU WANT TO BE AN AMBASSADOR? It’s a huge honor. Special Olympics represent one of the best things about sports. Everyone has a chance to participate and inclusion, in my opinion, is the ultimate winner.

ADVICE TO ATHLETES ABOUT COMPETING AT A HIGH LEVEL: If you’ve prepared well, and you haven’t skipped a step, and you pour your absolute heart into your readiness, that’s all you can do. It’s important to be nervous because if you’re not nervous you’re not ready. Then, take the pressure off yourself and let it rip.

HOW WILL SEATTLE REACT TO HOSTING THE GAMES? Seattle is such a progressively wonderful place. The athletes will be warmly received and there will be a lot of support. The games are a big deal, and Seattle fans will come to find out, not surprisingly, there are some real stars who will come forth.

ADVICE FOR ATHLETES ON AN OFF DAY? Step out your door, point one direction, and you’ll do well. Go east and go for a hike. Go south to Mt. Rainier. Go into city to the market and the waterfront. And if the Mariners or Sounders are in town, go catch a game.