Dan Wilson

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RESUME: 14 year MLB career, 12 seasons with the Seattle Mariners. Currently a coach in the Mariners organization.

WHY BE AN AMBASSADOR? The inspiration that these athletes bring is beyond compare. For Seattle to be able to a be part of this is outstanding and I knew it was something I wanted to be involved in and look forward to.

ADVICE FOR ATHLETES: These athletes can teach me a lot of stuff. Competing at a high level is difficult enough. To see the things that these athletes have to overcome to compete is incredibly inspiring. My advice is to drink it all up and enjoy it as much as possible. Take time to step back a bit and soak it all in and enjoy the experience.

HOW WILL SEATTLE FANS REACT TO THE GAMES? I think they’ll love it. For Seattle to be able to host something like this is a great opportunity. There’s so much meaning behind these games and they carry so much weight because of the athletes and others involved. People in Seattle will appreciate the work they’ve put in to get to these games and will take lessons and meaning away from watching the athletes compete.

WHAT TO DO ON A DAY OFF: My family and I really enjoy taking the trip out to Mt. Rainier. Taking in the beauty and majesty of that mountain gives you a pretty nice perspective check. You can see all of God’s beauty up there. It’s a great way to spend a day.