Will Daugherty

RESUME:   President & CEO, Pacific Science Center

WHY DID YOU WANT TO BE A BOARD MEMBER? Special Olympics are a terrific fit with the values we have at the Pacific Science Center as well as with my personal passions. My father had intellectual disabilities but also had extraordinary gifts. I wish he had had an opportunity to participate in Special Olympics. And at the Pacific Science Center one of our guiding principles is to enable access for all so everyone can benefit from the programs we provide. I’m excited to help contribute to an amazing experience for people with intellectual disabilities.

WHAT SPORTS HAVE YOU PLAYED? I played soccer in high school in Atlanta. These days I ski, do trail running, and I love surfing and kayaking.

WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED FROM SPORTS THAT YOU’VE APPLIED TO YOUR CAREER? Always try as hard as you can. When you get knocked down, get up and focus on what you can learn from it. Relish the successes of your teammates and focus on the sheer joy of participating with others in something that is physically, intellectually and emotionally invigorating whether you win or lose.

WHAT WILL IT MEAN FOR SEATTLE TO HOST THE GAMES? Seattle is already a leader in inclusiveness and this is a great example of inclusion and appreciation for people’s remarkable talents. Seattle has embraced many opportunities to be a leader in social justice and appreciating everyone for the gifts they have. So this fits really well with what Seattle is and where Seattle is going.

WHAT SHOULD ATHLETES SEE AND DO WHILE THEY’RE IN SEATTLE? Walk along the waterfront, the lakes, and get out on the water if you can on a boat, a kayak, or a ferry. I love going to coffee shops to listen to music. On the Seattle Center campus it’s fun to go to KEXP. They have a great community space where people can gather and listen to live music.